Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How do men attract women?

How do men attract women? To answer this question, you have first to know how women are attracted to men.

It's the most important aspect of answering this question.

I'm not going to make this post very lengthy and I'm not going to make you read for a long time, this is why I'm going to give you now the best ideas I have on the subject of how do men attract women.

Watch this video first:

The first thing you need to understand about women being attracted to men is that women are attracted to personality and not body type or looks.

The most important personality aspect of attraction is confidence and self-assurance.

Self-confidence is very much known to most guys and most men are trying really hard to make it a part of themselves and their personalities, however, self-assurance is the essence of self-confidence and it's the best parts that will not only attract women but make them feel your presence and feel you as the best man for them.

How to get self-assurance? The answer is easy, you simply close your eyes and start visualizing yourself as successful.

This is the most important thing about becoming confident and self-assured with women.

Your mind is the most powerful computer on Earth, and when you starts using it to visualize your success and to visualize your abilities to attract women it will make you not only successful but also very self-assured.

Here is a simple exercise for you: take a pen and paper, and each morning after you wake up, close your eyes lay on your bed and start visualizing women being attracted to you, women following you, women feeling that you are a great man etc.

When you are done with this visualization , take your pen and your paper and write down the steps you will need to do to make women have those feelings for you.

By doing this for three weeks, 5 min. a day in the morning, you are going to become unstoppable with women and whenever you go out, women are going to see you immediately as being self-assured and self-confident.

The second thing to answer your question on how do men attract women is in the looks department.

I've told you before that women are not attracted by looks as they are attracted by personality, this is certainly true, however, we should never neglect looks, after all women are going to see you before they are going to judge you on your personality!

Here are the areas you will need to focus on to become not only attractive on the looks department but also on the body language side.

Always wear dark colors

Always wear dark colored shoes

Never wear sport shoes

Never wear ties

Never wear clothes you have bought yourself, this is probably the most important advice for you: always take girls with you when buying clothes. They are going to choose the best outfits for you and they are also going to consider the way you dress and the way you move.

Now that you know how do men attract women, start applying these two tips every day of your life, don't go out without checking yourself first in the mirror and without checking your mind for being self-assured and self-confident.

Your next move is to watch the following video, a friend just uploaded it:


  1. The videos are a nice touch and nonetheless true. There is nothing in this world that is more attractive than a guy who can carry himself well. He may not have the looks but if the confidence is there, plus he’s smart and talks well, it’s definitely a win!

  2. When you boost your confidence it will build up in your subconscious, this leads to changes from the inside, which grow and grow to produce external lasting self beliefs too.

    how to attract men
