Sunday, September 2, 2012

Become a pick up artist for women

So, you would like to become a pick up artist for women? Good, you've come to the right place.
I will show you in this post how you can become a great pick up artists for women, and what you should look like, and what you should be doing.

Becoming a pick up artist for women isn't about saying some pick up lines or dressing in a weird way!

It's about self-confidence, self-assurance, looking great and feeling amazingly good about yourself and your future!

Watch this video on YouTube to know more about becoming the greatest pickup artist for women:

If you don't already feel this way, then please follow the steps in this tutorial to make you not only accustomed with the ways of the greatest pickup artists for women but also to become amazingly self-confidence in your personal life.

The first thing you have to know to become a pick up artist for women is to take great care of your looks.

I'm sure that right now, you already know about some exotic animals who will demonstrate their amazing feathers, skills or muscles to females to attract them!

The peacock for example!

This is the same thing with women, they love a man who can demonstrate power and attractiveness.

To make yourself become a pick up artist for women you have to take care of your looks, and the first thing you need to take care of is your shoes.

Go ahead, and shop for the most exotic shoes you would ever find, I will give you a hint, the best place for doing so is

Here are the best shoes you can wear to become irresistible to women, I've got a pair of these and trust me whenever I go out wearing them I would have women coming up to me and asking me about them, I have to say that it's been a long time since I approached a woman because whenever I would wear these they will be the one approaching me, here is the Amazon page:

Go ahead, click on the link and get these shoes, they have been tested by me and by many friends to work amazingly well at attracting women.

The next thing is to take care of your shirts and jeans; they are really the most important part of your clothing department.

Remember, you will need great jeans to go with your cowboy boots.

All you will need to do is pick up shirts that are unique in color, by this I mean that you should never buy shirts which are composed of a multitude of colors, always choose either: red, black, blue, brown. These are the best colors to attract women, end of discussion.

Jeans, they are also very important this is why you would need to go chop for some diesel jeans, they are simply the best out there for pickup artists for women.

These are the ones I'm wearing all the time: click here to see them!

I have to say that they are one of the most versatile jeans you can everywhere, they are very expensive, I agree, however they really go amazingly well with most clothes, even if I wear a lousy shirts or some lousy jacket and I wear these jeans with them, it would look fantastic!

If these jeans are too expensive for you, why not have a look at these, I have them too: click here!

The second thing you will need to have to become a great pick up artist for women is self-confidence and self-esteem.

I have to be clear on this one with you, you cannot get it by reading one post, I'm so sorry to say this. But I will guide you into becoming such a great confident guy by pointing you to some great books that have influenced my life a lot and that have helped me a lot into becoming a great pick up artist: these books are: the Way of the superior man, the six pillars of self-esteem, how to Win friends and influence people, the art of war, and the way of the natural by Zan.

The last one is the most amazing one, it's a bit costly but it's worth every penny.

If you need more information, watch this amazing video on YouTube:

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