Monday, September 24, 2012

Hairstyles to seduce women

Are you interested in knowing the best hairstyles to seduce women? Good, you've come to the right place.
To know more about what attract women, watch the following video:

One of the most interesting things about women is that they don't care about the looks very much, in fact they don't care about the looks as much as they care about the personality.

Women are interested in your personality in priority; however this doesn't mean that women are going to neglect your looks. In fact women are going to pay close attention to your looks, and then they are going to diagnose and pay close attention to your personality to know whether you are interesting or not to them.

One of the major attractive area in a man isn't his muscles or he is eyes colors, it's simply his hair.

This doesn't mean that bald men will not attract women at all, no, bald men have got all the chances in their sides too.

I'm going to reveal to you a universal , attractive hairstyle for women, when you starts applying this hairstyle yourself, you are not only going to attract women immediately but you are also going to send them implicitly that you are very confident and that you know what you are doing with them.

Women are going to feel highly attracted to you when you start applying these hairstyles to seduce women.

The best hairstyle to seduce women is: short and real.

By short and real I mean this: your hair should always be short, it should never be very long.

Women are no longer attracted to long hair, women are no longer attracted to men who look like other women.

In fact when you show to women a men with very long hair, the first thing they are going to think of is that a man who will enter into a competition with them for the use of the mirror is not attractive at all!

This is not what women want from men, they want a strong man, they want a man who looks fine but who doesn't pay close attention to his fingernails and his hairstyle.

The second aspect of the best hairstyles to seduce women is realness.

What I mean by realness is that no matter what your hair looks like, you have to show it to women in its real nature.

I have a black friend who has got strong and robust hair, however my friend chooses to not show women that's his hair is that way.

In fact, he will always try to soften his hair with special shampoos and special creams.

Women are experts at hairstyles and at clothing, they will know whether you are lying about your hair or not.

So, if you are bald, don't try to hide it and don't try to make yourself look as a hairy guy, if you have got nice hair don't try to make it nicer and make it more attractive , women are going to feel that you are not real.

Watch the following video to know more about hairstyles and attracting women:

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