Attracting older women can seem a difficult task, after all you may think that most of these women are going to consider younger men as inexperienced and as weak in their personality and self-confidence!
To know how to attract older women, please watch the following video:
This is not true at all, I have dated and attractive older women for so many times that I know from fact that older women really like and feel abstraction to younger men all the time.
How to attract older women?
To answer this question, you will need to understand how older women think about attraction and how they think about attractive man.
For older women , an attractive man is a man who has his act together and who is going to make her laugh and make her enjoy herself.
You should also know that nearly all older women are bored of their lives and are bored of their monotonous habits.
When you start attracting older women , you need to understand that you have to take them out of their monotony and out of their boredom very quickly.
The best way on how to attract older women is to understand that they do not want a serious relationship, they do not want a boyfriend, they want fun!
Here is what you should do: first thing is to know where to find older women.
The best areas to find older women are coffee shops, parks, shops and malls.
These are the best areas to find older women, you should really forget about clubs and parties because such women will never go to clubs , unless they are accompanied with their girlfriends, then these women are going to be the most difficult things to attract.
Older women with their friends are almost out of reach!
So, starts by going to these places over and over and starts approaching older women and starting conversations with them.
You should not say something complicated or a pickup line, just ask them questions and ask them about things they are buying, remember that you should take them out of their boredom, you should ask them questions about themselves and make them laugh, make comments about their purchases.
The second thing you will need to attract older women is to start polishing your humor. I'm sure that by now you know that older women are very bored out of their lives, I've already explained this point before, however they are not just bored they are dead bored.
When you show up in their lives and you start making them laugh and making them enjoy themselves whenever you are with them, they will start liking your company and the will feel amazingly confident about you.
This is the best way to attract older women, it's to make them laugh and to make them understand that you like them for who they are.
You should never make an older woman laugh about her clothes or her body, she will hate you for it.
To know more about how to attract older women, watch this small video presentation, and it's amazingly informative:
Self-assurance is good, but in moderation. You may have won your high-school fencing tournaments, but she doesn’t care. Don’t dominate the conversation; let her talk about what she wants to talk about. And please be sober.