Sunday, February 19, 2012

The second element of self-confidence

The second element of self-confidence is self-pity.

As I’ve told you yesterday, today I’m going to talk about the second element to being a great confident man, it doesn’t matter if you have been a low self-esteem guy all your life, all you need to do is focus on these elements and you shall reap the fruit of your hard work in the coming weeks or months.


Isn’t pity something bad or negative?

In our daily language, pity can mean something negative and very unsatisfactory, but in terms on self-confidence and self-esteem, pity to yourself is the way that’s going to set you free from negative self-talk.

I explain: when you try to achieve something or when you see an outcome you are not reaching, most people are going to start talking negatively to themselves.

For example, they are going to say: “I’m no good” , “I hate myself”, “I’m such an idiot”. . .

At the moment of saying such things, most guys are going to feel a little bit of a good feeling in them, but these words will create a vicious circle, in other words, you are going to depend on that little rush of feelings saying such a thing will provide to yourself.

And let me tell you another thing, our mind will believe whatever we throw at him, for example, if you say that you are an idiot, even if you are not, your mind will start to act like one and you will do things which will assert this in you.

This is the role of self-pity, when you exert self-pity on yourself; you are going to do things like this:

Instead of saying bad things to yourself, you are going to find excuses for yourself.

Instead of telling others that you don’t feel good about something you have done, you are going to excuse yourself to yourself and you are going to give yourself some reasons why it didn’t work.

Self-pity is the second element of confidence and if you think that it doesn’t matter that much, try to be confident while talking negatively at yourself al the time.

You won’t be able to do it.

The third element of self-confidence is self-respect.

Tomorwor as usual.

Bye for now

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