Thursday, February 16, 2012

The most important thing to being a man

Being a man isn’t just having some testicles and a penis!

These alone don’t make of you a man.

What a man is can be summed up by so many people as a strong and dominant creature, but I can add to these other traits that men must possess in order to be called as such.

I’m going to share here with you three of these traits, I’m sure; you are going to like them a lot.

The first one of the traits that differentiates a man from a child is the desire to do well.

You may see a wrestler who is very arrogant and cruel to others and think that this is how a man should look like, but in reality, a man should be the contrary of this, he should be doing well.

In old days, only those who have saved a life or done a heroic accomplishment could be called men.

You see how doing good and being charitable is a synonym of being a great man.

The other thing about doing good is not caring about the opinions of others, when you are doing good to people and to the rest of the world, many people are going to try to bring you down by telling you that it’s not that effective and one man can’t change the world, but you need to be more patient and learn to ignore such people.

The second one is awareness

I’ve already spoken about awareness and how to make it a part of you, how awareness if going to set you free.

A man should never be on autopilot, he should never be restful and ignoring his pressing issues, he should be able to hold responsibilities and aware of his roles as a man.

That’s what I mean by awareness; it’s the ability to know who you are and what you are required to do next.

The third one is respect of those weaker than him

A great man is known by the way he treats the little ones.

I’ve read once a great children story about a tyrant king, he used to go to war and destroy countries, his people feared him but didn’t love him.

He had a son who was very nice and kind to others, his father despised him and thought of him as effeminate.

When the king died, the son was throned and the people welcomed the son and cheered him more than when the king returned from a great conquest.

It’s the same with you too, you need to be a man who respects others and do well all the time.

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