Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How to make women like you

Whenever I start talking to a friend about women, it will always seem that he the most recurring subject is “how to make women like me?”.

This is the reason why I need to make things clear in this post about this crucial subject to most guys.

Making a woman like you is a pretty challenging experience if you are new to meeting women, and if you have some psychological troubles, it can even be very difficult.

Here are some shortcuts I will give to you that will make nearly all women you meet like you immediately.

I have to tell you this: they are not the real deal, in other words, women will like you for the first moments, but once you get to talk to them and you have very low self-esteem and confidence, you will have the opposite effect on them and they will feel terribly wrong about you.

That’s why I really advice you to read this article about self-confidence, it’s really interesting and informative.

The first tweak to make women like you is to have great shoes.

I’ve read a lot of articles and post about dressing and being good looking with women and in almost all of these articles, the authors will have just some few lines a talking about shoes and how to choose the best looking ones!

It’s a shame!

Most women have confessed to me that the shoes are the most important part in a man’s clothing and they can’t describe a man as attractive if he has got horrible shoes in his feet!

That’s the reality, accept it and do this to make this issue not yours at all:

You will need first to look for some nice shoes.

This can be done by going online to these online stores and look at their selection, they are simply stunning:


Then, you will need to choose a pair.

I will always advice guys to go for either brown shoes or black shoes, always dark colors.

They are simply the most attractive ones and the shoes that will go along with most clothes nowadays.
  • The next thing is to choose a pair of socks to go with your great shoes.
I assure you, all women will look at your shoes, then they will take a glance at your socks and see if they match the shoes, if they detect the smelled anomaly there, they will walk away from you.

My advice is to wear socks that match your shoes’ color.

The next advise you make women like you is to wear a good cologne.

It’s probably the single most important advice in dressing up and looking good, you can’t look great to women if you don’t smell or smell bad.

It’s just a fact!

There are a lot of great colognes out there and if I wanted to tell you about them, I’d have written a very long post, but I know a great brand, in fact, it’s not a brand, it’s a way: you go to amazon and you look for men’s colognes, then you simply choose the one that has the most positive reviews.

This will always work.

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