Friday, August 31, 2012

Are women attracted to married men?

To answer this question: are women attracted to married men? You have to understand one thing about women; it's the fact that women love things they can't reach!
So, are women attracted to married men? The answer is yes they are.

Here is a video that explains it all:

Now, how can you use something like this in your favor to attract more women into your life?

The answer is simple , you do as if you are a married man, this is not something tricky or something foolish to do to attract women, I know a lot of guys who have tried this and have succeeded a lot.

First, here are the things you need to understand about women and the psychology:

Number one: they want a guy who is unreachable most of the time, this is the same thing as with married men, they are unreachable most of the time and they tend to ignore their mistresses which makes them more attracted to them.

Number two: they want a guy who is already in demand, by this I mean that another woman has already fought for this guy and won his affection, to most women this will mean one thing: this guy is really a catch!

Number three: they want a guy who is already attached, this is somehow very sadistic of them because when they want to attract married man they already are playing with fire, because they are going to hurt another woman, but to women this is something they cannot resist because this guy will mean one thing: he is in high demand and he is a super catch, this means that women will do everything in their possible to attract such a guy.

I have a guy friend who is married for five years now, and he tells me that whenever he goes to the supermarkets or just to work, he would have women smiling at him and making themselves available to him a lot, this made his wife very jealous to the point of following him and trying to convince him not to go out alone!

Now this guy is not the most successful guy with women and he is certainly not the most attractive one, however women love an unreachable guy, women love a catch!

Are women attracted to married men?

Yes they totally are!

The next thing you need to do is to know how to attract women using this tip even if you are single. This is something very easy to learn just follow the link below:

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